Check out my featured projects

Project 1
Elyana təfərrüata diqqət yetirən və innovativ dizayn həlləri üçün istedadı olan yaradıcı və ehtiraslı UI/UX dizayneridir. Qrafik dizayn sahəsində bilik və istifadəçi mərkəzli dizayn prinsiplərini güclü şəkildə başa düşməsi ilə o, ardıcıl olaraq intuitiv və cəlbedici rəqəmsal təcrübələr yaratmağa çalışır. Elyana müxtəlif funksional komandalarla effektiv ünsiyyət qurmaq bacarığı və ən son dizayn tendensiyaları və texnologiyalarından xəbərdar olmağa sadiqliyi ilə tanınır. Onun məqsədi qalıcı təəssürat yaradan qüsursuz və ləzzətli istifadəçi təcrübələri yaratmaqdır.

Project 2
Some text

Project 3
Some text

Project 4
Some text
About me
Turning complex problems into simple design
Happy clients
Months of experience
Projects done
I’m Elyana, a junior-level UX/UI designer embarking on my career journey.
Passionate about user experience and user interface design, I continually strive to develop innovative solutions.
With strong analytical skills, I excel at solving complex problems and enjoy collaborating within a team. Flexibility and a willingness to learn are important values for me, and I approach every project with a positive attitude.
I'm eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to collaborate together!
Frontend development
I work with HTML/CSS, Framer and WordPress.

Digital art and graphic design
I use Adobe Photoshop, Fresco and Blender to create illustrations and 3D renders for my clients and stocks.

SEO/Digital marketing solutions
Social media content plans, media monitoring, email and text messaging and search engine optimization.

Brand identity
I help my clients to develop a personality and brand voice, design the brand look and logo.

Education and practical experience
I’m Elyana, a junior-level UX/UI designer embarking on my career journey.
Passionate about user experience and user interface design, I continually strive to develop innovative solutions.
With strong analytical skills, I excel at solving complex problems and enjoy collaborating within a team. Flexibility and a willingness to learn are important values for me, and I approach every project with a positive attitude.
I'm eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to collaborate together!
My education
UX/UI Design
Course by IATC
Work experience
UX/UI & Graphic Designer
at Corn Advertising
- Develop wireframes and interactive prototypes
- Design intuitive and consistent interfaces
- Create visually appealing designs for print and digital media
- Develop brand identities and marketing materials
UX Designer
at Getti - Transport App
- Conduct surveys and interviews for user needs
- Analyze feedback for pain points
- Develop wireframes for key screens
My favourite tools
Clients say about me
Let's make something awesome together!
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